"What you have done for our adult business has been nothing short of incredible. With the way competition is in the adult industry these days.. its great to see us rank so highly in searches engines!!
Thank you so very much for your input, understanding and fulfilling our needs in all departments. Traffic to our websites is growing and growing!!"
PuebloJuneteenth.org Retains Buoyancy Digital for a 3rd Year
April 2012: we are humbled by and pleased to announce that the Juneteenth Organization of Pueblo Colorado will retain Buoyancy Digital to manage its’ web site and digital assets for a 3rd year.
Stay tuned for revamped form and function on the Pueblo Juneteenth web site at http://www.PuebloJuneteenth.org and its social media fan pages.
Tags: Juneteenth, Pueblo Colorado, PuebloJuneteenth.org
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