"FourStar Auto Glass has used Cyber Stampede's SEO & social media services since 2009. Search Engine Optimization is a crucial element in any company's web campaign, and we couldn't be more pleased with the results that Rodney and Cyber Stampede have produced."
PuebloJuneteenth.org Retains Buoyancy Digital for a 3rd Year
April 2012: we are humbled by and pleased to announce that the Juneteenth Organization of Pueblo Colorado will retain Buoyancy Digital to manage its’ web site and digital assets for a 3rd year.
Stay tuned for revamped form and function on the Pueblo Juneteenth web site at http://www.PuebloJuneteenth.org and its social media fan pages.
ASACP at XBIZ Awards, Presents Annual Service Recognition Award
Please follow link for more details; http://www.asacp.org/index.php?content=news&item=971,ASACP+at+XBIZ+Awards+Presents+Annual+Service+Recognition+Award
Cyber Stampede, Inc is now a member of SEMPO
Please follow link for more details http://sempo.site-ym.com/members/?id=11451410
New algorithm released globally to all English-language Google users
More than a month ago now Google released a new search algorithm that changed the SEO world, as of April 11, 2011 it will affect the entire English speaking community. When the first stage of the algorithm was released many sites saw dramatic changes, while others that followed strict guidelines seemed to not be affected. If your SEO efforts are no longer showing any results after the recent algorithm change, then it is likely that your SEO Company is not following the rules.
There are many evolutionary changes being made, such as user feedback that contributes to the algorithm by incorporating data about the sites that users block. This feature may evolve outside of the search engine with the Google Chrome extension that allows users to block sites directly from their browser. Think of both the extension and the search engine feature as having an adverse effect to the Google +1 button; however they do work in many different ways. Keep in mind that Google does collect data from the Personal Block List extension and incorporating the data into the algorithm is very likely because they’ve already compared the data to the sites users have blocked on their search engine.
You may be asking yourself what this might mean for you if you’ve lost traffic recently. This means you simply need to re-evaluate your SEO method and see where you might not be following the rules. Don’t be scared of the change, I say embrace it and take the time to learn something new! If you don’t have the time to learn something new, hire a professional! Here are some articles you may find helpful in researching the changes, and re-evaluating your SEO strategy.
Finding more high-quality sites in search
High-quality sites algorithm goes global, incorporates user feedback
Hide sites to find more of what you want
Webmaster Guidelines
Is social media right for your company?
A lot of businesses are now taking advantage of the social media market, but does it really provide an advantage for your company? That depends on what you are offering.
“According to Adweek, there is bad news for brands who are rushing to social media sites. Young people don’t want to be friends with you! According to a new report from Forrester Research, just 6% of 12-17-year-olds who use the web want to be friends with a brand on Facebook.
Among Web-connected 18-24-year-olds, that figure doubles, which means that only 12% of 18-24-year-old think is ok to friend a brand. Even scarier for brands: Young people don’t want brands’ friendship, and they think brands should go away.”
“Young consumers are basically telling brands, when I interact with you I want you to listen to me and interact with you. I don’t want to interact (friend) a brand that just engages in a one-way conversation with me.” Social Media Optimization
It’s pretty agreeable that the vast majority of people do not want to be branded, but to simply choose the brand of preference. If you are offering a service, social media is absolutely for you because the product is based on customer interaction. When the customer interacts with your company on a social media network they are sharing the great experience they had, and not endorsing a product. We’re not sales people, but we sure love to tell stories about our life experiences. If you’re selling a product it’s best to stick to SEM or standard marketing techniques to keep the power of choice in the consumers hands. Recently PepsiCo found out the hard way by dropping standard advertising all together, spending at least 50 per cent of its American branding budget on social media.
“Beverage Digest reported last month that the company’s flagship brand, Pepsi, had fallen to third place behind Coke and Diet Coke. Pepsi – known for its Refresh Everything goodwill campaign and a bevy of social media efforts – had ranked second for decades in that sales category. Some considered the slip an indictment of the brand’s embrace of social media and de-emphasis of traditional broadcast advertising – exemplified by its withdrawal from the Super Bowl last year.” Clickz.com
Find more information on Businessdailyafrica.com about PepsiCo and social media marketing.
The bottom line is, if you’re offering a product, social media could be a gamble for you; if it’s a service social media can do wonders for you! If you’re not sure, don’t be scared to talk to us, we’ll help you reach the most accurate demographic.